Monday, October 1, 2007

With a little help from our friends

And that glitch was a doozie. Just a week before our move we discovered that our landlord did not have sufficient shelving for our purposes. All our carefully choreographed plans pivoted on getting the shelving installed first. Thank goodness we had determined a source of used shelving. We called Yankee Supply and ask for shelving to be delivered asap. They still had sufficient on hand and agreed to get it shipped within the week. Based on that, we talked to the movers and arranged for the office area to be moved one week and the collection the following to allow for enough time for the shelving to arrive and be assembled. By this time we were working with Dave Caparosa, a space designer recommended by our landlord. He worked out the layout of the shelving to best fit the space available in the new facility and arranged for installers for the shelving. Everything was good to go again - what else could go wrong? Well of course something could and did. We got the call from Yankee Supply - they were having more difficulty than expected rounding up the shelving from their various warehouses meaning another delay of a day or two – plus the weekend. They did promise to have the shelving delivered by Tuesday. The assembling would start Tuesday and finish up Wednesday. The collection move would start Thursday and be done on Friday. It was all still doable.

So the office space move was finally a go and went off without a hitch. Except for the other glitch - yes there had to be another, right? Our internet connection in the new facility was going to be delayed for several weeks - everything else was in place, the internal wiring, the router and other equipment, our computers, our desks - everything but the last vital link. So we would have to do our work without our usual access to our circulation system or the internet. Luckily we had the laptops that all have a wireless connection that we could use in the new facility. Hey we could handle it!

Very, very early Tuesday morning the shelving arrived from Rhode Island and Chuck, our vehicle, facility and all around can-do guy was ready with the rented forklift.

The installers came later that day and set to work. Everything was moving along great until - what's that? A glitch. Yankee Supply had sent us the shelves from a different shelving system than the frames they sent. After a call to them, a discussion with the installers, we moved ahead with a little rebate on the shelving and a bit of finessing of the shelving – check the picture below to see the finessing in action.

But the news was good– the shelves were ready for the movers right on time.

There couldn’t be any more glitches in our future at this point, right?

Music CD - Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Beatles
Book - Don't sweat the small stuff, Richard Carlson
Book - The resilience factor: 7 keys to finding your inner strength and overcoming life's hurdles, Karen Reivich

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